Fun Brighton Wedding
I was so happy to be shooting this snazzy Brighton Wedding. Sarah and Richard – these guys were just meant to be! It was great fun and a huge pleasure to photographing their New Years Eve Nuptials. Both Sarah and Richard looked ravishingly gorgeous – very relaxed and well – happy! . After a fun time getting ready together with close friends and family, lovely Sarah was driven to St Luke’s Prestonville, Brighton in the shiniest of shiny vintage Rolls Royce. Canapés and champagne followed their very moving wedding service (which incidently also included some of the best singing and musos I’ve ever heard at a wedding). Then on to the View on the Brighton and Hove Beachfront for more champagne, laughter, dancing and fireworks… Quality music seemed to figure very highly on this day all round, and Sarah’s sons George and Arthur didn’t disappoint – along with their band mates they played up a storm! The amazing fireworks display blasted a spectacular start to the New Year An awesome day and night with two of the most genuine loveliest people I’ve ever met. What a great way to kick my Brighton Wedding Photography off for 2016. Congratulations Richard and Sarah.